fiction + poetry + “other”

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Van Gogh himself had admitted to finding few things more invigorating in art than a sense of mastery. Why then, wondered Mary Oliver, did she feel only doubt and a dull sense of déjà vu, as if she were repeating herself. Draining a bottle of Ravenswood merlot, she swatted her cat from the stack of mail and returned to her letter to her dear friend, Senator Hillary Clinton: “My robes, Hillary. Once a clear and accessible metaphor for wisdom, tonight my robes suggest only mothballs and Marlboro Reds. . . .”

Informative Vessel #23

Scholars aver that the second vessel may have contained Aleister Crowley’s poem to HOOR–PAAR-KRAAT, wherein it is written that we are darkened and obscured vessels in which divine will is imprisoned. Crowley suggested we drink the blood of our oppressors from clear glass vessels, rather than opaque pewter or moleskin vessels, because glass is relatively thin, non-reactive, and allows full appreciation of blood’s “glop.”

A Pig Like That

I met a traveler from an antique land, who said: When in your Texas I met a rancher trimming the hooves of a three-legged pig. Asked how it came to pass, that his pig had lost a leg, he exclaimed, "That pig's a genuine H-E-R-O! Rescued my youngest daughter from our neighbor's pit bull, she wasn't but knee-high to the same."


She picked an outcrop and undid her arm, / all rubber and good humor, dead as oil. / He flagged down sunset with obsidian / owl pellets, proving too late it was tar.


I love jacking cog more than I love / this urge of missy's choking squalor, / I mean, Do you mind if I sit on your leg?

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