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Historical Magic(k) & Witchcraft
Ankarloo, Bengt and Stuart Clark, eds. Magic and Witchcraft in Europe series
— — Biblical and Pagan Societies. Philadelphia: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001.
— — Ancient Greece and Rome. Philadelphia: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999.
— — The Middle Ages. Philadelphia: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2002.
— — The Period of the Witch Trials. Philadelphia: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2002.
— — The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Philadelphia: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999.
— — The Twentieth Century. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999.
Berger, Helen A. Witchcraft and Magic: Contemporary North America. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.
Boyer, Paul, and Stephen Nissenbaum. Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft. New York, NY: MJF Books and Harvard University Press, 1974.
Brown, David. A Guide to the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria of 1692. Oakville, CT: David Brown Book Company, 1984.
Boguet, Henry. An Examen of Witches. Dover, 2009.
Burton, Danny Ethus, and David A. Grandy. Magic, Mystery, and Science: The Occult in Western Civilization. Indiana University Press, 2003.
Butler, E.M. Ritual Magic. Penn State University Press, 1998.
Cavendish, Richard. The Black Arts: A Concise History of Witchcraft, Demonology, Astrology, Alchemy and Other Mystical Practices Throughout the Ages. New York: Perigee / Penguin, 1983.
Cohn, Norman. Europe’s Inner Demons. New York: Meridian/New American Library, 1975.
Demos, John. The Enemy Within: 2,000 Years of Witch-Hunting in the Western World. New York, NY: Viking/Penguin, 2008.
— Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.
Fanger, Claire. Conjuring Spirits: Texts and Traditions of Medieval Ritual Magic. Penn State University Press, 2004.
Frankfurter, David. Evil Incarnate: Rumors of Demonic Conspiracy and Satanic Abuse in History. Princeton University Press, 2006.
Frazer, James George. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion: A New Abridgement from the Second and Third Editions. Oxford University Press, 2009.
Guazzo, Francesco Maria. Compendium Maleficarum. Montague Summers, Ed., E.A. Ashwin, trans. Mineola, NY: Dover, 1988.
Hall, David D. (Ed.) Witch-Hunting in Seventeenth-Century New England: A Documentary History 1638-1693. Northern University Press, 1999.
Hill, Frances. A Delusion of Satan: The Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials. New York: Da Capo Press / Perseus Books, 1995.
Karlsen, Carol. The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England. New York, NY: Vintage, 1989.
Kieckhefer, Richard. Forbidden Rites: A Necromancer’s Manual of the Fifteenth Century. Penn State University Press, 1998.
Klaits, Joseph. Servants of Satan: The Age of the Witch Hunts. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1985.
Kors, Alan Charles and Edward Peters (Eds). Witchcraft in Europe 400 – 1700: A Documentary History. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.
— Witchcraft in Europe, 1100-1700: A Documentary History. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1973.
Kramer, Heinrich, and James Sprenger. Malleus Maleficarum. Montague Summers, trans. Digireads, 2009.
Lea, Charles Henry. Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft. Thomas Yoseloff, 1957.
Levack, Brian. The Witchcraft Sourcebook. Routledge, 2003.
— The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe. Pearson, 1995.
Masello, Robert. Raising Hell: A Concise History of the Black Arts – and Those Who Dared to Practice Them. Perigee, 1996.
Mather, Cotton. Cotton Mather on Witchcraft. Dorset Press, 1991.
Medway, Gareth J. Lure of the Sinister: The Unnatural History of Satanism. New York: New York Univ Press, 2001.
Michelet, Jules. Satanism and Witchcraft: The Classic Study of Medieval Superstition. New York: Ciradel Press, 1992.
Monter, E. William. European Witchcraft. John Wiley & Sons, 1969.
Murray, Margaret. The Witch-Cult in Western Europe. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1963.
Meyer, Marvin W. The Ancient Mysteries: A Sourcebook : Sacred Texts of the Mystery Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean World. Harper, 1987.
Meyer, Marvin W., and Smith, Richard. Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power. Harper, 1996.
New Oxford Annotated Bible. New Revised Standard Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Ogden, Daniel. Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A Sourcebook. Oxford University Press, 2002.
Pagels, Elaine. The Gnostic Gospels. Vintage, 1989.
— The Origin of Satan: How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans, and Heretics. Vintage, 1996.
Peters, The Magician, the Witch, and the Law. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1978.
Robbins, Rossell Hope. The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology. Crown Publishers, 1959.
Russell, Jeffrey Burton. The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1977.
— A History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics, & Pagans. London: Thames & Hudson, 1980.
— Lucifer: The Devil in the Middle Ages. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ Press, 1984.
— The Price of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1988.
— Satan: The Early Christian Tradition. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ Press, 1981.
— Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1972.
Sebald, Hans. Witchcraft: The Heritage of a Heresy. Elsevier Science Ltd, 1978.
Summers, Montague. The History of Witchcraft. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1956.
— Witchcraft and Black Magic. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2000.
Taylor, John M. The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut. BibioBazaar, 2007 (1908).
Tomlinson, R.G. Witchcraft Trials of Connecticut: The First Comprehensive, Documented History of Witchcraft Trials in Colonial Connecticut. Hartford, CT: The Bond Press, Inc., 1978.
Weisman, Richard. Witchcraft, Magic, and Religion in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts. University of Massachusetts Press, 1985.
Occultism, Satanism, Witchcraft, Witch Hunts and Witch Trials in 20th-21st Centuries
[ see also Daycare Scares, Moral Panics, Ritual Abuse, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Sex Panics, Satanic Panic ] [ see also Controversial Popular Psychology and Self-Help ] [ see also Christian & Shock books, below ]
Ankarloo, Bengt and Stuart Clark. Magic and Witchcraft in Europe:The Twentieth Century. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999.
Baddeley, Gavin. Lucifer Rising : A Book of Sin, Devil Worship and Rock ‘n’ Roll. Plexus Publishing, 2000.
Bebergal, Peter. Season of the Witch: How the Occult Saved Rock and Roll. Tarcher Perigee, 2014.
Demos, John. The Enemy Within: 2,000 Years of Witch-Hunting in the Western World. New York, NY: Viking/Penguin, 2008.
Ellis, Bill. Raising the Devil: Satanism, New Religions, and the Media. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2000.
Frankfurter, David. Evil Incarnate: Rumors of Demonic Conspiracy and Satanic Abuse in History. Princeton University Press, 2006.
Hertenstein, Mike. Selling Satan: The Evangelical Media and the Mike Warnke Scandal. Cornerstone Press, 1993.
Moorhouse, Frank. Satanic Killings. London: Allison & Busby, 2006.
Lyons, Arthur. Satan Wants You: The Cult of Devil Worship in America. New York: Mysterious Press / Warner, 1988.
— The Second Coming: Satanism in America. New York: Dodd, Mead, & Co., 1970
Parker, John. At the Heart of Darkness. New York: Citadel Press/Carol Publishing, 1993.
Rapley, Robert. Witch Hunts: From Salem to Guantanamo Bay. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.
Richardson, James, Joel Best, and David Bromley. The Satanism Scare.Hawthorne, NY: Aldine De Gruyter, 1991.
Sebald, Hans. Witch-Children: From Salem Witch-Hunts to Modern Courtrooms. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1995.
Wilson, Colin. The Occult. Vinatge, 1973.
— Mysteries: An Investigation into the Occult, the Paranormal and the Supernatural. Watkins, 2006.
Mysticism / Magick / Sundry Occult Arts
Blavatsky, H.P. Studies in Occultism. Point Loma, CA: The Aryan Theosophical Press, 1910.
Butler, W. E. Lords of Light: The Path of Initiation in the Western Mysteries. Destiny Books, 1990.
Carroll, Peter J. Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic. San Francisco: Red Wheel / Weiser, 1987.
Cicero, Chic and Sandra Tabatha, The Essential Golden Dawn. Llewellyn, 2003.
— Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple. Llewellyn, 1995.
Crowley, Aleister. 777. Weiser, 1986.
— The Book of Lies. Weiser, 1986.
— The Book of Thoth. Weiser, 1974.
— Gems from the Equinox (Israel Regardie, ed.) Weiser, 2007.
— Magick: Liber ABA (Book 4). Revised 2nd edition, corrected. Weiser, 2000.
— Magick Without Tears. New Falcon, 1991.
Crowley, Aleister, ed; Samuel Liddell and MacGregor Mathers, trans.; The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King. Weiser, 1995.
Denning, Melita, and Osborne Phillips. The Foundation of High Magick. Llewellyn,
— Magical States of Consciousness. Llewellyn, 2012.
— Mysteria Magica. Llewellyn, 2004.
— Planetary Magick. Llewellyn, 2011.
— The Sword & the Serpent. Llewellyn, 2005.
Dukes, Ramsey. Blast Your Way to Megabucks with My Secret Sex-Power Formula. The Mouse That Spins, 2003.
— Thundersqueak. The Mouse That Spins, 2002.
— Uncle Ramsey’s Little Book of Demons. Aeon Books, 2004.
Dunn, Patrick. Magic Power Language Symbol: A Magician’s Exploration of Linguistics. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn, 2008.
— Postmodern Magic: The Art of Magic in the Information Age. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn, 1987.
Duquette, Lon Milo. Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot. Weiser, 2003.
Eshelman, James A. Pearls of Wisdom: Gems From the Journal Black Pearl. College of Thelema, 2013.
— The Mystical and Magical System of the A ∴ A ∴ – The Spiritual System of Aleister Crowley & George Cecil Jones. College of Thelema, 2008.
Farrar, Stewart & Janet. A Witches’ Bible. Phoenix Publishing, 1996.
Fortune, Dion. The Cosmic Doctrine. Weiser, 2000.
— The Mystical Qabalah. Weiser, 1989.
— Through the Gates of Death. Weiser, 1972.
— The Training & Work of an Initiate. Weiser, 2000.
Fortune, Dion, and Knight, Gareth. An Introduction to Ritual Magic. Thoth Publications, 1997.
— Applied Magic. Weiser, 2000.
— The Circuit of Force. Thoth Publications, 1998.
— Spiritualism and Occultism. Thoth Publications, 2000.
— What Is Occultism? Weiser, 2001.
Frater U.D., High Magic: Theory & Practice. Llewellyn, 2005.
— High Magic II: Expanded Theory and Practice. Llewellyn, 2008.
Gardner, Gerald. Witchcraft Today. New York: Citadel Press, 1970.
Gray, William G. Qabalistic Concepts: Living the Tree. Weiser, 1997.
Gunther, J. Daniel. Initiation in the Aeon of the Child: The Inward Journey. Ibis Press, 2014.
— Initiation in the Aeon of the Child: The Inward Journey, Books II & III. Ibis Press, 2014.
King, Karen. What Is Gnosticism. Belknap Press, 2005.
Knight, Gareth. A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism. Wesier, 2002.
Kraig, Donald Michael. Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts. Llewellyn Publications, 2010.
LaVey, Anton. The Satanic Bible. New York: Avon / HarperCollins, 1969.
— The Satanic Rituals. New York: Avon / HarperCollins, 1972.
— The Satanic Witch. Los Angeles: Feral House, 1970.
Levi, Eliphas. The History of Magic. Arthur E. Waite, trans. York Beach, ME: Samuel Wesier, Inc., 1999.
— Transcendental Magic. Arthur E. Waite, trans. York Beach, ME: Samuel Wesier, Inc., 1968.
Louv, Jason. Generation Hex. Disinfo, 2005.
Mace, Stephen. Stealing the Fire from Heaven. Dagon Productions, 2003.
— Taking Power. New Falcon Publications, 2006.
Mathers, S. Liddell MacGregor. The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. Dover, 1975.
— The Key of Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis). Weiser, 2000.
McCarthy, Josephine. Magical Knowledge. Mandrake, 2012.
Metzger, Richard. Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult. Disinfo, 2008
Meyer, Marvin, ed. The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts. Harper, 2009.
New Oxford Annotated Bible. New Revised Standard Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Pagels, Elaine. The Gnostic Gospels. Vintage, 1989.
Parfrey, Adam and Wyllie, Timothy. Love, Sex, Fear, Death: The Inside Story of The Process Church of the Final Judgment. Feral House, 2009.
Pollack, Rachel. Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom. Weiser, 2007.
Regardie, Israel. A Garden of Pomegranates: Skrying on the Tree of Life. (Chic & Tabatha Cicero, Eds.) Llewellyn, 1995.
— The Golden Dawn. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn, 2002.
— The Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind and Magic. (Chic & Tabatha Cicero, Eds.) Llewellyn, 2002.
— The Philosopher’s Stone: Spiritual Alchemy, Psychology, and Ritual Magic. (Chic & Tabatha Cicero, Eds.) Llewellyn, 2013.
— Roll Away the Stone: An Introduction on Aleister Crowley’s Essays on the Psychology of Hashish.
Llewellyn, 1968.
— The Tree of Life: A Study in Magic. (Chic & Tabatha Cicero, Eds.) Llewellyn, 2001.
Three Initiates. The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece.
Vivekananda. Bhakti Yoga. Vedanta Press, 1978.
— Raja Yoga. Vedanta Press, 1953.
Waite, Arthur Edward. The Book of Ceremonial Magic. New York: Cosimo, 2007.
— The Holy Kabbalah. Dover, 2003.
— The Occult Sciences. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1891; New York: Cosimo, 2007 (paperback)
Walker, Daniel Pickering. Spiritual and Demonic Magic: From Ficino to Campanella. U. Notre Dame Press, 1975.
Zalewski, Pat. Kabbalah Of The Golden Dawn. Llewellyn, 1951.
Christian / Shock
[ see also Daycare Scares, Moral Panics, Narrative Theory, Ritual Abuse, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Sex Panics, Satanic Panic ] [ see also Controversial Popular Psychology and Self-Help ]
Baskin, Wade. Satanism: A Guide to the Awesome Power of Satan. Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Press / Lyle Stuart, 1972.
Blood, Linda. The New Satanists. New York: Warner Books, 1994.
Bubeck, Mark I. The Satanic Revival. San Bernadino, CA: Here’s Life Publishers, 1991.
Cooper, John Charles. The Black Mask: Satanism in America Today. NJ: Flemming H. Revell, 1990.
Johnston, Jerry. The Edge of Evil: The Rise of Satanism in North America. Dallas, TX: World Publishing, 1989.
Koch, Kurt E. Occult ABC. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1993.
Langone, Michael D., and Linda O. Blood. Satanism and Occult-Related Violence: What You Should Know. Weston, MA: American Family Foundation, 1990.
Larson, Bob. Satanism: The Seduction of America’s Youth. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989.
Lindsey, Hal. Satan Is Alive and Well on Planet Earth. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing, 1972.
Michaelsen, Johanna. Like Lambs to the Slaughter: Your Child and the Occult. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1989.
Passantino, Bob and Gretchen. Satanism (Zondervan Guide to Cults and Religious Movements Series). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing, 1995.
— When the Devil Dares Your Kids: Protecting Your Children from Satanism, Witchcraft, and the Occult. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Publications, 1991.
Pulling, Pat and Kathy Cawthon. The Devil’s Web: Who Is Stalking Your Children for Satan? Lafayette, LA: Huntington House Publishers, 1989.
Raschke, Carl A. Painted Black. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.
Schwartz, Ted, and Duane Empey. Satanism: Is Your Family Safe? Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Books, 1998.
Sellers, Sean. Web of Darkness. Tulsa, OK: Victory House, 1990.
Sparks, Beatrice. Jay’s Journal. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1979.
Spencer, Judith. Satan’s High Priest. New York, NY: Pocket Books, 1997.
— Suffer the Child. New York, NY: Pocket Books, 1989.
Summers, Montague. The History of Witchcraft. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1956.
— Witchcraft and Black Magic. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2000.
Terry, Maury. The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation of America’s Most Dangerous Satanic Cult. New York: Doubleday, 1987.
Warnke, Mike. The Satan Seller. Plainfield, NJ: Logos International, 1972.